Ain’t no hood, like motherhood 

I’m just gonna lay it out there toddlers are mini dictators and quite frankly they can just be a- holes. Some days are just a huge chaotic mess that runs together so much so, you can’t even fathom how your possibly going to get back up and do it over agin tomorrow. After many, many days like this I have found a few fool proof ways to gain just alittle bit of your sanity back. Not all of it of course (clearly not a magician), but enough to make you see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

  • Use nap time for mom time. I’m sure doing the laundry or dishes would be more productive but, is housework really going to help you stay sane? No. Take a hot bath, watch tv, have a uninterrupted phone call with your girl friend, hell you take a nap!                     
  • Lock the bathroom door. Your kids will try to invade every room you go to, the bathroom is no exception. For some reason that’s actually their favorite room to invade. Just lock the door, I promise no matter how hard they try they won’t bust it down. Use those few minutes to breathe alittle. 
  • Take them outside. WEAR THEIR LITTLE BUTTS OUT! Playing outside is the best way to run some of that bottled up energy they have out! Play hard, sleep harder! 
  • Stop worrying about the messes. Kids are messy. Their shirts will get stains they will get dirty that’s just a sign their having fun! Relax no child stays squeaky clean. Just let your kid play in the dang mud puddle, it will keep them entertained longer and more excited than any toy.
  • Bath time! Let them play in the bath. Obviously stay in there and watch them but use this time to sit down and catch your breath, the days almost over! 
  • Don’t over think meals, your kid should eat healthy of course but if they day is crazy and your pretty sure your loosing your shit, don’t dirty up all the dishes (more work for momma), and slave over a meal they may or may not eat. Throw some chicken nuggets in the oven they might even thank you.
  • Go to the store ALONE. This may be my favorite thing to do. Leave the kids with daddy and go! (I swear the Kroger workers in my neighborhood see me more than anyone.) Walk through the fruit snack isle in peace and get yourself the candy bar and eat it all in the car before you get home! But don’t hurry home too fast go ahead and take the scenic route!  

MOST importantly make bed time special when you can. Lay with your baby and read, let the day end peacefully and the stress wash away. It doesn’t matter how messy the house is or what you had for dinner. Your still someones super mom! Hold that little monster you created tightly, because someone out there is praying to have a monster just like yours. One day those tiny little toes will be walking out the door and you will wish they still wanted to be with you all the time. (But maybe not in bathroom, bathing in peace will be nice). 😂

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